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Monday’s Hidden Formulas To Streamline Workflows & Boost Productivity

In today’s fast-paced business world, Monday stands out as a powerful project management platform designed to simplify workflows, boost productivity, and enhance team collaboration. At the heart of its versatility is the Formula Column, a feature that enables businesses to automate calculations, streamline data processing, and make better decisions—saving time and reducing errors.

Simplifying Workflows with the Formula Column

The Formula Column allows users to create everything from basic calculations to complex data manipulations. By harnessing this feature, businesses can:
  • Automate repetitive tasks, freeing teams to focus on strategic priorities.
  • Build customized dashboards for real-time insights into project performance.
  • Turn raw data into actionable insights, driving smarter decisions and fostering continuous improvement.
This level of customization adapts to any business need, whether it’s calculating timelines, forecasting budgets, or tracking team performance.

Visualizing Data for Clarity and Impact

Data visualization is essential for effective project management. Monday offers tools to create interactive dashboards, charts, and graphs, making it easier to identify trends, monitor progress, and address issues proactively.
The Formula Column takes data visualization a step further by transforming raw numbers into dynamic visuals that update in real time. This helps teams:
  • Make informed, timely decisions in fast-paced environments.
  • Communicate complex information clearly to stakeholders.
  • Customize dashboards to align with business priorities and KPIs.
By leveraging these visual tools, organizations can foster collaboration, align teams, and use data as a competitive advantage.

Tips to Maximize the Formula Column’s Potential

To fully unlock the capabilities of the Formula Column, follow these strategies:
  1. Define Clear Goals – Outline the specific objectives your formulas should achieve.
  2. Start Simple – Begin with basic calculations before exploring advanced features.
  3. Use Documented Functions – Leverage built-in functions for common tasks.
  4. Experiment with Undocumented Functions – For advanced users, these can unlock new possibilities (with proper testing).
  5. Collaborate – Involve your team to create well-rounded and effective solutions.
  6. Review and Refine – Regularly update formulas to align with evolving business needs.
  7. Invest in Training – Equip your team with the knowledge to use Monday effectively.
By following these steps, businesses can turn the Formula Column into a valuable tool for improving efficiency and achieving strategic goals.

Exploring Undocumented Functions: Advanced Opportunities

For experienced users, undocumented functions offer a chance to push the boundaries of Monday’s capabilities. While these advanced features require careful testing, they can address unique challenges and unlock new levels of automation. Sharing discoveries within the Monday community can further enhance innovation and collaboration across users.

Why Monday Matters

The Formula Column is more than just a calculation tool—it’s a gateway to greater efficiency, innovation, and insight. Whether you’re managing projects, optimizing workflows, or analyzing performance, Monday empowers teams to navigate complex challenges with ease.
By embracing its full potential, organizations can drive better outcomes, foster collaboration, and stay ahead in today’s data-driven world. Whether you’re a CEO, manager, or team leader, Monday equips you to work smarter, not harder.

Column names should be wrapped in braces: SUM({apples},{oranges})
Formulas may include parentheses () to change the order of operations: ({Apples} + {Oranges}) / {Guests} 
Check, Country, Creation Log, Date, Dependency, Dropdown, Email, Formula, Hour, Item ID, Last Updated, Link to Item, Long Text, Numbers, Person, Phone, Rating, Status, Text, Timeline, Time Tracking, Vote, World Clock
Subitem Names and the Count of Subitems are also supported.
Autonumber, Color Picker, Files, Link, Location, Mirror, Progress Tracking, Tags, Week, World Clock
Text functions 
Function: CONCATENATEDescription: This operator concatenate text values into a single text valueExample: CONCATENATE(“I”,”love”,”Monday”) => IloveMonday
Function: LEFTDescription: Extracts a given number of characters from the left side.Example: LEFT(“Monday“, 3) => mon
Function: LENDescription: Returns the amount of characters of a given text string.Example: LEN(“hello”) => 5
Function: LOWERDescription: Converts a specified string to lowercaseExample: LOWER(“Some STRING”) => “some string”
Function: REPLACEDescription: Replaces a part of a string with the new string.Example: REPLACE(“Goat”,1, 2,”Fl”) => “Flat”
Function: REPTDescription: Repeats a string a given number of times.Example: REPT(“monday”,3) =>mondaymondaymonday
Function: RIGHTDescription: Extracts a number of characters from the right side of a given text string.Example: RIGHT(“monday”, 3) => day
Function: SEARCHDescription: Searches a string within another stringExample: IF(SEARCH(“love”, “I love monday”, 1) > 0, “Exist”, “Not”) => “exist”
Function: SUBSTITUTEDescription: Replace text in a given text string by matching.Example: SUBSTITUTE(“goodmorning”, “morning”, “night”) => goodnight
Function: TEXTDescription: Formats the given value based on the given text formatExample: TEXT(8500.6,”$#,##0.00″) => $8,500.60
Function: TRIMDescription: Removes all spaces from a string except for single spaces between words.Example: TRIM(” I love MDY “) => “I love MDY”
Function: UPPERDescription: Convert a specified string to uppercaseExample: UPPER(“Monday”) => Monday 

Logical functions

Function: ANDDescription: Checks if all the given logical conditions are true and if so returns trueExample: AND(3>1, 4>2) => True
Function: EXACTDescription: Compares two values, returns true if they are the same and false if they are different.Example: EXACT({Status},{Status})) =>TRUE
Function: IFDescription: Checks if a condition is met. If so, returns the first value, otherwise returns the otherExample: IF({some columns}>100, “big deal”,”small deal”)
Function: ORDescription: Returns true if any one of the argument is trueExample: OR(3 >10, 4>2) => True
Function: XORDescription: Returns a logical exclusive Or of all the argumentsExample: XOR(3>0, 2>9) => True
Function: SWITCHDescription: Checks if a condition on a specific value is met, if so, returns the result of that value, o/w returns the default result (if exists). The pattern is: SWITCH({Column}, “val1”, “result1”, [“val2”, “result2”], …, [“default”])Example: SWITCH({Priority}, “High”, 3, “Medium”, 2, “Low”, 1, 0) => 2 (in case priority is “Medium”)
Numeric functions
Function: ABSDescription: Returns the absolute value of a given numberExample: ABS(-1) = 1
Function: AVERAGEDescription: Returns the average of the given numbersExample: AVERAGE(1,2,3) => 2
Function: DIVIDEDescription: One number divided by anotherExample: DIVIDE(10,5) => 2
 Function: COUNTDescription: Counts the number of numerical items.Example: COUNT(1, 2, “a”) => 2
Function: LOGDescription: Gets the logarithm of a numberExample: LOG (16,2) => 4
Function: MAXDescription: Returns the largest value from a set of dataExample: MAX(1,3,5,9) => 9
Function: MINDescription: Returns the smallest value from a set of dataExample: MIN(1,3,5,9) => 1
Function: MINUSDescription: Difference of two numbersExample:MINUS(5,3) => 2
Function: MULTIPLYDescription: Product of two numbersExample:MULTIPLY(5,2) => 10
Function: MODDescription: Returns the remainder of the division of the given number in the divisorExample:MOD(10,3) => 1
Function: ROUNDDescription: Rounds a number to a specific number of digitsExample: ROUND(1.123456, 2) => 1.12
Function: ROUNDUPDescription: Always rounds a number upExample: ROUNDUP(1.1,0) => 2
Function: ROUNDDOWNDescription: Always rounds a number downExample: ROUNDDOWN(1.1,0) => 1
Function: SQRTDescription: Positive square root of a positive numberExample:SQRT(9) => 3
Function: SUMDescription: Sums up all the given numbersExample: SUM(2,3,8) => 13
Function: POWERDescription: A number raised to a powerExample: POWER(2,3) => 8

Date and time functions

Note: Formula functions for date and time do not take your location into account for format. Time and timezone will reflect your location, though output will be formatted in the European manner (i.e. 24 hour clock). Date input will be formatted in the European manner (i.e. May 12th as 12/5), while date output varies. You can use the FORMAT_DATE() function to format your date and time output in a way that is most familiar and helpful to your team
Function: ADD_DAYSDescription: Adds days to the given date. Returns the new date.  Examples: ADD_DAYS(“2019-01-20”, 5)ADD_DAYS(TODAY(), 5)FORMAT_DATE(ADD_DAYS(“2019-01-20”, 5) => “2019-01-25
Function: DATEDescription: Returns the value for the given parametersExample: DATE(2018,5,30) => Wed May 30 2018 
Function: DAYDescription: Returns the day of the month of a given date.Example: DAY({created at}) => 31
Function: DAYSDescription: Returns the number of days between the two datesExample:DAYS({end date column name}, {start date column name}) => diff between dates in days
Function: FORMAT_DATEDescription: Returns a formatted dateExamples: FORMAT_DATE(TODAY()) => “Feb 16, 2020” (using default format)FORMAT_DATE(TODAY(), “YYYY-MM-DD”) => “2020-02-16″FORMAT_DATE(TODAY(), “dddd, MMMM Do YYYY”) => Sunday, February 16th 2020
Function: HOURDescription: Returns the hour as a number from 0 (12:00 A.M.) to 23 (11:00 P.M.).Example: HOUR(NOW()) => 23 (in case it’s 23:00 – 23:59 o’clock now)
Function: HOURS_DIFFDescription: Returns the difference between two hours columnsExample: HOURS_DIFF(“23:00”, “20:00”) => 03:00
Function: WORKDAYSDescription: Returns the number of working days between the two datesExample: WORKDAYS({TO_DATE}, {FROM_DATE}) => working days between dates in days
Function: WORKDAYDescription: Adds workdays to the given date. Returns the new date.Example: WORKDAY({Date column}, 20) => will add 20 workdays to the new date
Function: MINUTEDescription: Returns the minute as a number from 0 to 59.Example: MINUTE(NOW()) => 10 (in case it’s 23:10 now)
Function: MONTHDescription: Returns the month of a given date.Example: MONTH({created at}) => 7
Function: SECONDDescription: Returns the second as a number from 0 to 59.Example: SECOND(NOW()) => 1 (in case it’s 23:00:01 now)
Function: SUBTRACT_DAYSDescription: Subtract days from the given date. Returns the new date.  Examples: SUBTRACT_DAYS(“2019-01-20”, 5)SUBTRACT_DAYS(TODAY(), 5)FORMAT_DATE(SUBTRACT_DAYS(“2019-01-20”, 5) => “2019-01-15
Function: TODAYDescription: Gets the current dateExample: TODAY() =>05.07.2018
Function: WEEKNUMDescription: Returns the yearly week number of a given date.Example: WEEKNUM({created at}) => 42
Function: ISOWEEKNUMDescription: Returns the yearly week number of a given date according to ISO standards.Example: WEEKNUM({created at}) => 42
Function: YEARDescription: Returns the year of a given date.Example: YEAR({created at}) => 2018


Function: PIDescription: PI value (3.14159)Example: PI() => 3.14159
Function: TRUEDescription: Logical true valueExample: IF(3>5 = TRUE, “a”,”b”) => “b”
Function: FALSEDescription: Logical false valueExample: IF(3>5 = “FALSE”, “a”, “b”)=> “a”

Project Management Methodologies Basics And How To Choose The Correct Software For Your Business

Project Management Methodologies Basics And How To Choose The Correct Software For Your Business


“Wait, there’s more than one way to manage a project?”

Absolutely. In fact, there are countless project management methodologies, each with its own approach, strengths, and quirks. Some even merge to create hybrid models tailored to specific needs. But what does that mean for you and your team? How do these methodologies elevate your workflow? And, most importantly, how do you pick the one that fits like a glove?

Project management methodologies are more than just buzzwords — they’re frameworks designed to transform chaos into clarity and streamline the journey from concept to completion. Each methodology offers a unique structure to help teams deliver results. Let’s break down the most prominent methodologies, categorized for easier navigation, so you can confidently choose the one that drives your projects to success.

A. Traditional, Sequential Methodologies

1. Waterfall: The Classic Approach

The waterfall methodology is the tried-and-true classic of project management. Think of it as a step-by-step staircase: you must complete one task before starting the next. This sequential process is ideal for projects with clear objectives and predictable outcomes, such as constructing buildings or manufacturing products.

Why it works:

  • Predictable: With every phase meticulously preplanned, you can replicate the process for future projects.
  • Structured: Its linear nature provides clarity and simplicity.

Where it falls short:

  • Lack of flexibility. If stakeholders’ needs shift mid-project, revising the sequence can feel like unraveling a tightly wound thread.

2. Critical Path Method (CPM): Prioritize What Matters Most

Developed in the 1950s, CPM zeroes in on the tasks that directly impact the project timeline — the “critical path.” By identifying dependencies, project managers can allocate resources strategically, tackle priority tasks first, and reschedule lower-priority activities without derailing progress.

How CPM empowers your team:

  • Laser focus: Prioritize essential tasks that influence deadlines.
  • Flexibility: Adjust non-critical tasks without affecting the overall timeline.

Pro tip: Use a Gantt chart to visualize your critical path and map out dependencies with precision.

3. Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM): Build in Buffers

CCPM enhances CPM by adding a crucial element: resource management. This methodology accounts for the availability of people, equipment, and materials while building time buffers around critical tasks. These buffers ensure that your project stays on track, even when unexpected hiccups arise.

Why CCPM is a game-changer:

  • Protects deadlines with built-in time cushions.
  • Optimizes resource allocation to avoid burnout or bottlenecks.

B. The Agile Family: Flexibility Meets Innovation

In today’s fast-paced world, adaptability is everything. Agile methodologies are built for change, focusing on iterative cycles, continuous improvement, and collaboration. If your project demands flexibility and rapid adjustments, Agile is your go-to family of methodologies.

1. Agile: The Foundation of Flexibility

Born from the groundbreaking Agile Manifesto in 2001, this methodology centers on delivering value through collaboration and adaptability. Agile’s key principles prioritize:

  • People and interactions over rigid processes.
  • Customer collaboration over strict contracts.
  • Responding to change over sticking to a plan.

Agile frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming (XP), and Adaptive Project Framework (APF) build on these values, offering unique ways to implement them.

2. Scrum: Simple, Yet Powerful

Scrum is the most widely used Agile framework, perfect for small, fast-moving teams. Here’s how it works:

  • Teams operate in short, focused cycles called “sprints” (typically two weeks).
  • Daily stand-ups ensure everyone stays aligned and roadblocks are quickly addressed.
  • A Scrum Master clears obstacles to maintain momentum.

Why teams love Scrum:

  • Encourages rapid development and testing.
  • Delivers results in bite-sized increments, with continuous evaluation.

3. Kanban: Visualize Your Workflow

Born in Toyota’s factories, Kanban emphasizes steady progress through visual task management. Teams use boards (physical or digital) to track tasks as they move through stages like “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Completed.”

Why Kanban works:

  • Provides clear visibility into task status.
  • Helps teams identify bottlenecks at a glance.

4. Extreme Programming (XP): Adapt On the Fly

XP is a software development-focused Agile framework that thrives on collaboration and adaptability. It allows for mid-sprint changes, enabling teams to swap tasks as long as work hasn’t started.

Why teams embrace XP:

  • Prioritizes simplicity and high-quality deliverables.
  • Keeps teams agile in the face of shifting requirements.

5. Adaptive Project Framework (APF): Built for Uncertainty

APF is perfect for tackling projects with constantly evolving requirements. By breaking work into iterative stages, teams can adjust goals and scope at the start of every phase, ensuring maximum value at every step.

What sets APF apart:

  • Stakeholder input drives continuous improvement.
  • Adapts to deliver the best business value, even in uncertain conditions.

C. Change Management Methodologies: Embrace the Unexpected

When change is inevitable, these methodologies help you stay ahead of the curve.

1. Event Chain Methodology (ECM): Risk-Proof Your Project

ECM prepares your team for risks that exist beyond the project scope. By proactively identifying potential disruptions and planning responses, you can mitigate unexpected events before they derail your timeline or deliverables.

2. Extreme Project Management (XPM): Flexibility to the Max

XPM flips traditional methodologies on their head. It’s built for projects with short timelines and high levels of uncertainty. In XPM, everything — from the budget to the deliverables — can shift to adapt to changing needs.

When to use XPM:

  • Tight deadlines (weeks or even days).
  • Constantly evolving project goals.

D. Process-Based Methodologies: Streamline Every Step

For teams that thrive on efficiency and precision, process-based methodologies blur the line between project management and business process management.

1. Lean: Do More with Less

Lean methodology focuses on eliminating waste and optimizing workflows. By identifying bottlenecks and cutting unnecessary steps, teams can deliver maximum value while conserving resources.

2. Six Sigma: Zero Defects

Rooted in data and statistics, Six Sigma aims for near-perfection by identifying and eliminating defects in processes. To achieve a six sigma rating, 99.99966% of your output must be error-free.

3. Lean Six Sigma: The Best of Both Worlds

Combining Lean’s efficiency with Six Sigma’s quality control, Lean Six Sigma helps teams deliver defect-free products while maximizing resource use.

E. Other Noteworthy Methodologies

1. PRINCE2: Structured and Scalable

Popular in the UK, PRINCE2 takes a product-based approach to project management. It divides responsibilities between a high-level project board (business justification, resource allocation) and a project manager (day-to-day execution).

2. PRiSM: Sustainability in Action

PRiSM integrates environmental sustainability into project management. It’s an excellent choice for organizations committed to reducing their environmental footprint.

3. Benefits Realization

This methodology focuses on delivering real, measurable value to customers and stakeholders, not just completing tasks on time and within budget.

F. The PMBOK Framework: The Industry Standard

The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) isn’t a methodology per se but a comprehensive guide to best practices, processes, and tools. It’s structured around five process groups (Initiating, Planning, Executing, Controlling, Closing) and 10 knowledge areas, such as communication, risk, time, and cost management.

How to Choose the Right Methodology

With so many methodologies at your fingertips, how do you choose the perfect fit?

  1. Start with the end in mind.
    • Define your goals, deliverables, and key priorities.
    • Example: Building a physical product? Opt for Waterfall. Developing software? Agile is your best bet.
  2. Assess what’s already working.
    • Consider your team’s strengths and preferences.
    • Collaborative, adaptable teams thrive with Scrum, Kanban, or APF. Structured thinkers excel with Waterfall or CPM.

Still unsure? Let Black Badger guide you. Schedule a free consultation today, and we’ll help you design workflows that align with your unique needs. Your next successful project starts here.



Mastering Automation with MindCloud: Essential Tips for Success

Black Badger Mastering Automation with MindCloud: Essential Tips for Success

Mastering Custom API Integrations with MindCloud

Custom API integrations are essential for unlocking the full potential of MindCloud. They allow businesses to connect systems, streamline operations, and ensure data flows seamlessly across platforms. With MindCloud’s user-friendly interface and powerful features, you can implement these integrations without needing extensive coding expertise.

What Are API Integrations?

APIs—or Application Programming Interfaces—enable software applications to communicate with one another. By integrating custom APIs in MindCloud, you can bridge gaps between the tools and systems your business relies on. This is especially valuable for small and medium-sized businesses aiming to boost efficiency without investing in expensive new software.

Why Choose MindCloud for API Integrations?

MindCloud’s low-code environment makes it accessible for users with limited programming skills. With its drag-and-drop builder, you can create workflows that incorporate custom API calls, ensuring data accuracy and synchronization across platforms.

For example:

  • A new customer order in your e-commerce platform can trigger an API call to your inventory system, updating stock levels instantly.

This reduces manual data entry, eliminates errors, and saves time.

Comprehensive Support for Every Integration

MindCloud provides extensive documentation and support for integrating popular platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, or NetSuite, as well as proprietary systems. No matter the complexity, MindCloud guides you through the process for a smooth implementation.

Leveraging Low-Code Automation Tools for Business Efficiency

Low-code automation tools are revolutionizing how businesses streamline processes. MindCloud’s low-code platform empowers users to design workflows without requiring deep technical knowledge. This puts control back into the hands of business leaders, helping drive efficiency and innovation.

Intuitive Workflow Creation

The drag-and-drop builder is a standout feature of MindCloud. It allows you to visually design workflows by connecting modules and applications.

For example:

  • Automate employee onboarding by integrating your HR system, email platform, and project management tool.
  • Automatically send welcome emails, set up accounts, and assign onboarding tasks—all in one seamless process.

This reduces administrative tasks, ensures consistency, and improves the onboarding experience.

Tailored to Your Needs

While MindCloud offers pre-built workflow templates, the platform also allows complete customization. You can:

  • Add conditional logic.
  • Integrate additional applications.
  • Incorporate custom API calls.

This flexibility ensures workflows align with your unique business needs.

Scalable Automation

As your business grows, MindCloud’s low-code tools grow with you. Adjust workflows, integrate new systems, and support evolving processes—all without needing to rebuild from scratch.

Creating Efficient Automation Workflows with MindCloud

Automation workflows are the foundation of an effective business strategy. MindCloud equips you with the tools to design, manage, and optimize these workflows—helping you improve efficiency and achieve better results.

Core Elements of a Workflow

Every workflow has two main components:

  1. Triggers – Events that initiate the process (e.g., a form submission or receiving an email).
  2. Actions – Tasks performed in response to the trigger (e.g., creating a CRM record or sending a notification).

How to Build Efficient Workflows

  1. Plan Your Process: Map out steps, identify bottlenecks, and define desired outcomes.
  2. Leverage Pre-Built Recipes: MindCloud provides ready-to-use templates for common business processes. These can be customized to fit your specific needs.
  3. Create From Scratch: For unique processes, use the drag-and-drop builder to design tailored workflows.

Monitor and Optimize

MindCloud’s analytics tools let you track workflow performance, identify inefficiencies, and make improvements. By regularly reviewing metrics, you ensure your automation strategy delivers consistent results.

Understanding PaaS and Its Role in Modern Business

Platform as a Service (PaaS) provides businesses with the tools to develop, run, and manage applications without handling complex infrastructure. MindCloud’s PaaS solution offers a comprehensive suite of services that drive innovation and efficiency.

Accelerate Development

PaaS platforms simplify application development by offering pre-configured environments and integration tools. This is especially beneficial for businesses with limited IT resources, reducing time and effort for deployment.

Scalable and Secure

MindCloud’s PaaS platform is built to scale. As your business grows, your applications and workflows can expand to meet increased demand. Robust security features also ensure your data is protected and compliant with industry standards.

Focus on Growth

By offloading infrastructure management, you can focus on developing solutions that meet your business needs. With MindCloud’s PaaS, you gain the flexibility to innovate and adapt while minimizing operational overhead.

Exploring the Benefits of iPaaS for Seamless Integration

Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) simplifies the process of connecting applications and data across different systems. MindCloud’s iPaaS platform enables effortless integration, helping businesses achieve smooth and reliable system connectivity.

Simplify Complex Integrations

Traditional methods of integration often require custom development, which is costly and time-intensive. MindCloud’s iPaaS eliminates this complexity with:

  • Pre-built connectors.
  • Low-code tools.
  • Ready-made templates for common integrations.

Real-Time Data Flow

iPaaS supports real-time data transfer, ensuring your systems stay up to date. This is invaluable for businesses that depend on accurate, timely data for decision-making and customer interactions.

Monitoring and Scalability

MindCloud’s iPaaS includes tools to track integration performance, resolve issues, and scale with your business needs. As your processes evolve, you can easily add new connectors or adjust existing integrations to align with your goals.

The MindCloud Advantage

By leveraging iPaaS, you simplify complex integrations, improve operational efficiency, and future-proof your connected systems. MindCloud ensures your business runs smoothly, no matter how many applications you need to integrate.

Don’t Go It Alone: Business Optimization via Automation with MindCloud Does Not Need To Be A Lonely Journey

MindCloud empowers businesses with custom API integrations, low-code automation, and robust PaaS and iPaaS capabilities. From automating workflows to connecting systems, MindCloud simplifies complex processes and drives operational efficiency.

Whether you’re just starting with automation or looking to scale, MindCloud provides the tools, support, and scalability you need to succeed. Need expert advice on optimizing your team’s workflows? Schedule a free consultation with Black Badger today.


It’s Not Too Late To Kickstart Your 2025 Business Planning — 3 Essential Steps To Get Started


Proactive planning is the cornerstone of any successful business, especially in today’s rapidly changing market. For business owners and C-Suite executives, taking the time to strategically plan for the year ahead is not just advisable—it’s essential. Early planning can be the difference between surviving and thriving in 2025. With a well-thought-out plan, you can navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and position your independent business for sustained growth.

Below, we explore five steps to kickstart your 2025 business planning. From assessing your current performance to developing a strategic growth plan, these steps will help you create a roadmap for success in the coming year.


Step 1: Assess Your Current Business Performance


Before planning for 2025, start by evaluating how your business performed in 2024. This assessment will give you a clear understanding of where you stand and what areas need improvement. Two helpful ways to do this are to conduct a review of your highs and lows from the previous year and perform a SWOT analysis. Here’s how:


Review 2024 achievements and shortfalls: Start by analyzing what worked well and what didn’t. Look at key performance indicators (KPIs) such as revenue growth, client retention, and profitability. Did you meet your financial targets? How satisfied are your clients? Identifying your achievements and shortfalls will provide valuable insights into areas where you can build on your successes or make necessary adjustments.

Conduct a SWOT analysis: Next, perform a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. A SWOT analysis can be a helpful way to understand where your business is positioned in the market. Identify internal strengths and weaknesses, such as your unique skills, resources, or areas that need improvement. Evaluate external opportunities and threats, including market trends, competition, and economic conditions. This comprehensive analysis will guide your strategic planning efforts for 2025.


Step 2: Business Strategy Development: Crafting a Vision for the Future


Once you have a clear understanding of your current business performance, the next step is to develop a strategic vision for the future. This involves setting long-term goals and defining the direction you want your business to take. Here are some key considerations for business strategy development:


Define your mission and vision: Your mission statement should articulate the purpose of your business and the value it provides to clients. Your vision statement should describe your long-term aspirations and where you see your business in the future. These statements will serve as guiding principles for your strategic planning efforts.

Set SMART goals: SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Setting SMART goals will help you create a clear and actionable plan for achieving your vision. For example, instead of setting a vague goal like “increase revenue,” set a specific goal like “increase revenue by 15% within the next 12 months.”

Identify key initiatives: Determine the key initiatives that will help you achieve your goals. These initiatives should align with your mission and vision and address the areas identified in your SWOT analysis. For example, if one of your weaknesses is limited online presence, a key initiative could be to enhance your digital marketing efforts.


Step 3: Strategic Business Planning: Creating Processes as a Roadmap for Scaling Success


With your strategic vision and goals in place, it’s time to create a detailed business plan that outlines the steps you’ll take to achieve your objectives. This plan should include specific actions, timelines, and metrics for tracking progress. Here are some essential components of a strategic business plan:


Market analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis of your target market, including customer demographics, needs, and preferences. Identify market trends and opportunities that align with your business goals. This analysis will help you tailor your products or services to meet the needs of your target audience.

Competitive analysis: Evaluate your competitors to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Identify what sets your business apart and how you can leverage your unique value proposition to gain a competitive edge. This analysis will inform your marketing and sales strategies.

Marketing and sales strategy: Develop a comprehensive marketing and sales strategy that outlines how you will attract and retain clients. This should include tactics for online and offline marketing, customer relationship management, and sales processes. Define key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of your marketing and sales efforts.

Financial plan: Create a detailed financial plan that includes projected revenue, expenses, and profitability. This plan should also outline your funding requirements and strategies for managing cash flow. Regularly review and update your financial plan to ensure you stay on track to achieve your goals.


Project Management Software Streamlining Your Workflow is another excellent project management software that can help you streamline your workflow and boost productivity. Black Badger is your go-to partner, ready to help your business save time and avoid the hassle. Book Your Free Consultation Now. Here’s how can benefit your business:


Customizable workflows: offers customizable workflows that allow you to tailor the platform to your specific needs. You can create boards, columns, and automations that match your unique processes, ensuring that your team stays organized and focused.

Visual project management:’s visual interface makes it easy to see the status of your projects at a glance. Use color-coded labels, timelines, and Gantt charts to track progress and identify any potential delays. This visual approach helps you stay on top of your projects and make informed decisions.

Team collaboration: With’s collaboration features, your team can communicate and share updates in real-time. You can create discussion threads, tag team members, and share files to keep everyone aligned and informed. This enhances teamwork and ensures that everyone is working towards the same goals.

Integrations: integrates with a wide range of tools and applications, such as Slack, Google Drive, and Zoom. These integrations allow you to centralize your work and streamline your processes, saving you time and effort.


Project Management Wrike: Maximizing Efficiency and Collaboration


Wrike stands out as a versatile project management tool that can help you maximize efficiency and collaboration within your team.Black Badger is here to support your business as a reliable Wrike partner, saving you time and stress. Streamline Your Future – Claim Your Complimentary Consultation. Here are some additional features of Wrike that can benefit your business:

Time tracking: Wrike’s time tracking feature allows you to monitor how much time your team spends on tasks and projects. This helps you identify areas where you can improve efficiency and allocate resources more effectively.

Resource management: With Wrike’s resource management tools, you can allocate tasks based on team members’ availability and workload. This ensures that your team is working at optimal capacity and prevents burnout.

Custom dashboards: Wrike offers customizable dashboards that give you a real-time overview of your projects and tasks. You can create widgets to track key metrics, such as task completion rates and project timelines, and gain valuable insights into your team’s performance.

Automation: Wrike’s automation features allow you to streamline repetitive tasks and reduce manual work. You can set up automated workflows, reminders, and notifications to ensure that your team stays on track and meets deadlines.


Teamwork Software: Enhancing Collaboration and Productivity


Teamwork is a project management software designed to enhance collaboration and productivity within your team. Need help with Teamwork? Black Badger is here to eliminate the headaches and give you back your valuable time. Reserve Your No-Cost Consultation Here. Here’s how Teamwork can support your business planning efforts:


Project templates: Teamwork offers customizable project templates that help you standardize your processes and save time on project setup. You can create templates for common project types and ensure consistency across your projects.

Milestones and deadlines: With Teamwork’s milestone and deadline features, you can set clear goals and track progress towards your objectives. This helps you stay focused and ensures that your projects are completed on time.

Time tracking and billing: Teamwork’s time tracking and billing features allow you to monitor how much time your team spends on tasks and projects. This helps you manage your resources effectively and ensure accurate billing for client work.

Client collaboration: Teamwork’s client collaboration features enable you to share project updates and files with your clients. This keeps your clients informed and engaged, and fosters a transparent working relationship.


Smartsheet Project Management: Driving Efficiency and Accountability

Smartsheet is a powerful project management tool that can help you drive efficiency and accountability within your team. Need a trusted Smartsheet partner to streamline your business? Black Badger is here to take the frustration out of the equation. Don’t Wait, Elevate – Schedule Your Free Consultation Today. Here’s how Smartsheet can benefit your business:


Grid-based interface: Smartsheet’s grid-based interface is similar to a spreadsheet, making it easy to use and understand. You can create, organize, and track tasks in a familiar format, ensuring that your team stays organized and on track.

Automated workflows: Smartsheet’s automated workflows allow you to streamline repetitive tasks and reduce manual work. You can set up automated approvals, reminders, and notifications to ensure that your team meets deadlines and stays on track.

Collaboration features: Smartsheet’s collaboration features enable your team to communicate and share updates in real-time. You can leave comments, attach files, and tag team members to keep everyone aligned and informed.

Reporting and analytics: Smartsheet provides robust reporting and analytics tools that give you insights into your team’s performance and project outcomes. Use these insights to identify areas for improvement and optimize your workflows for better results.


Zoho Project Management: Empowering Your Business for 2025


Zoho Projects offers a comprehensive suite of project management tools designed to empower businesses and improve efficiency. Black Badger is here for your business if you need a Zoho partner to save you time and frustration.  Schedule Your Free Consultation Here.  As you plan for 2025, integrating Zoho Projects into your workflow can provide numerous benefits that help you stay ahead in a competitive market. Here are some key features of Zoho Projects that can support your business planning efforts:


Task Automation: Zoho Projects allows you to automate routine tasks, saving time and reducing manual errors. You can set up task dependencies, automatic reminders, and triggers that streamline your project management processes, ensuring that your team stays focused on high-impact activities.

Detailed Gantt Charts: With Zoho Projects, you gain access to detailed Gantt charts that help you visualize your project timelines and track progress. These charts make it easy to see task sequences, identify potential bottlenecks, and adjust schedules to meet deadlines effectively.

Resource Allocation: Effective resource management is critical to achieving your business goals. Zoho Projects include tools for allocating resources based on availability, skill sets, and workload. This ensures that your team members are optimally assigned and prevents overwork.

Collaboration and Communication: Zoho Projects fosters seamless collaboration with features such as discussion forums, document sharing, and real-time updates. Team members can communicate effectively, share insights, and stay aligned on project objectives, enhancing overall productivity.

Time Tracking and Reporting: Zoho Projects offers robust time tracking capabilities, allowing you to monitor the time spent on tasks and projects. This data can be used to generate insightful reports that help you analyze performance, spot trends, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your processes. By incorporating Zoho Projects into your strategic business planning for 2025, you can enhance your project management capabilities, streamline operations, and achieve your business objectives. Embrace these tools and techniques to set your business on the path to success in the coming year.


By leveraging project management software like Zoho, Wrike,, Teamwork, and Smartsheet, you can enhance productivity, streamline workflows, and achieve your business goals. Start planning today and set your business up for a prosperous 2025. As you embark on your 2025 business planning journey, Black Badger Software Solutions is your software experts specializing in Project Management Software and CRMs offering consulting, implementation, training, and support services to grow your business. Schedule Your Free Consultation Now

Black Badger ❤️s MindCloud: More Secure Software Integrations & Automations At A Fraction Of The Cost vs. Zapier, Make and Workato

In today’s fast-paced business world, efficiency is key. MindCloud’s low-code automation platform enhances productivity, reduces costs, and optimizes performance by integrating applications and automating tasks. This saves time and minimizes human error, ensuring smooth operations.


AI-Driven Automation

MindCloud leverages AI to automate tasks and build connectors across multiple solutions. What once took months can now be done in minutes. This speeds up integration, improves accuracy, and frees up resources for strategic initiatives, driving growth and innovation.


Comprehensive Automation Tools

MindCloud offers a suite of automation tools adaptable to various industries. It supports integrations with platforms like HubSpot, NetSuite, and Microsoft Dynamics, ensuring a unified workflow by connecting existing systems seamlessly.


User-Friendly Low-Code Platform

MindCloud’s low-code tool empowers users to create and customize workflows without extensive coding knowledge. The drag-and-drop interface simplifies the process, allowing users to build and test workflows for free, paying only when they activate them. This cost-effective model makes automation accessible to all.


Transform Your Workflow

MindCloud enables businesses to create sophisticated workflows tailored to their needs. From data synchronization to multi-department coordination, its AI and advanced logic ensure workflows are efficient and adaptable, supporting seamless business scaling.


Benefits of Workflow Automation

Automating workflows offers several advantages:

  • Increased Efficiency: Automate repetitive tasks to boost productivity.
  • Cost Savings: Minimize manual intervention and optimize resources.
  • Enhanced Accuracy: Ensure consistent, error-free task execution.
  • Scalability: Easily scale operations without extensive reconfigurations.
  • Flexibility: Adapt workflows to changing business needs.


Key Features

MindCloud’s platform stands out with:

  • AI-Powered Management: Advanced logic for building complex workflows.
  • Recipe-Based Integrations: Pre-configured workflows for seamless platform integration.
  • Unlimited Free Testing: Build and test workflows at no cost.
  • Usage-Based Pricing: Scales with your needs.


Dedicated Support

MindCloud offers robust support, including a community Slack channel and white-glove services for enterprises. Our team assists with workflow setup, customization, and troubleshooting, ensuring your business adapts seamlessly.


Why MindCloud?

MindCloud combines low-code simplicity with powerful automation and flexible pricing. By joining the beta, you gain early access to a tool that evolves with your business needs.


Sign Up Today

Automate your workload and integrate your data effortlessly. Join the MindCloud beta for free and start transforming your business processes.

Discover the Power of Teamwork with Black Badger Software Solutions

Discover the Power of Teamwork with Black Badger Software Solutions

Are you searching for a reliable Teamwork Solutions Partner in the Tampa Bay area? Look no further! Black Badger Software Solutions, based in Clearwater, FL, offers comprehensive Teamwork Consulting, Implementation, Support, and Deployment services designed to help your business thrive. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the benefits of partnering with us and the incredible features that Teamwork offers.

Table of Contents

  1. Why Choose Black Badger Software Solutions as Your Teamwork Solutions Partner
  2. Unlock the Full Potential of Teamwork with Our Expert Consulting Services
  3. Get Started with Teamwork Deployment and Support
  4. Transform Your Business with Teamwork
  5. Contact Black Badger Software Solutions Today
  6. Summary

Why Choose Black Badger Software Solutions as Your Teamwork Solutions Partner

At Black Badger Software Solutions, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality, customized solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. As a trusted Teamwork Solutions Partner, we’re committed to helping you maximize the potential of this powerful project management platform. Here’s what sets us apart:

Flexible Solutions and Customizable Software

We understand that no two businesses are the same, so we tailor our approach to your specific requirements. By leveraging our in-depth knowledge of Teamwork and its many features, we can create a custom solution that matches your unique business model and processes. This means you can avoid spending exorbitant amounts on building custom software from scratch.

Scalability for Future Growth

Our approach to Teamwork Implementation takes into consideration not only your current needs but also your future goals. By understanding your business’s long-term objectives, we can create a scalable solution that saves you time and money on software updates as your company evolves.

Efficient Software Implementation Process

Our proven four-step process ensures seamless Teamwork Implementation and Training. We begin with a deep dive to gain a comprehensive understanding of your business. Next, we create a detailed software implementation plan that outlines the steps to take you from your current situation to your desired outcome. During the implementation and training phase, we work closely with your team to ensure a smooth transition. Finally, we provide personalized, ongoing support to help you get the most out of your Teamwork platform.

Local Expertise and Personalized Support

As a Clearwater, FL-based company, we’re well-positioned to serve clients throughout the Tampa Bay area. Our knowledgeable and friendly team is always available to provide assistance, whether you need help with onboarding new users or require additional training on your customized Teamwork platform. When you choose Black Badger Software Solutions, you can rest assured you’re partnering with a local expert who understands your needs and is committed to your success.

Unlock the Full Potential of Teamwork with Our Expert Consulting Services

Teamwork is a robust project management platform that offers an extensive range of features designed to streamline workflows and enhance collaboration. However, to truly harness the power of Teamwork, it’s essential to have an expert on your side. Our Teamwork Consulting services ensure that you’re using the platform to its fullest potential, allowing you to enjoy benefits such as:

  • Improved project planning and tracking
  • Enhanced team communication and collaboration
  • Greater visibility into project progress and performance
  • Increased efficiency through automation and integration
  • Better resource and workload management
  • Streamlined client communication and collaboration

Get Started with Teamwork Deployment and Support

Black Badger Software Solutions is committed to helping your business get up and running quickly and efficiently with our Teamwork Deployment services. Our team of experts will work closely with you to ensure a smooth transition, from initial setup and customization to training and ongoing support. Our goal is to help you achieve maximum success with minimal disruption to your daily operations.

Seamless Teamwork Deployment

We understand that implementing new software can be a daunting task, especially for organizations with limited IT resources. That’s why our team of experts handles the entire Teamwork Deployment process, from initial setup and customization to data migration and integration with your existing tools. This means you can focus on your core business while we take care of the technical details.

Comprehensive Training and Support

At Black Badger Software Solutions, we believe that effective training is crucial for the success of any software implementation. Our Teamwork Support services include customized training programs tailored to your team’s specific needs, ensuring that everyone is comfortable and confident using the platform. Additionally, our ongoing support ensures that you have access to expert assistance whenever you need it, whether you’re facing technical issues or need help with platform updates.

Transform Your Business with Teamwork

Teamwork offers an impressive range of features designed to help your business streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and improve overall efficiency. Here are some of the key features that set Teamwork apart:

Resource and Workload Management

Teamwork enables you to effectively manage your team’s day-to-day capacity and plan resources for future projects. With complete visibility into everyone’s work, you can easily reassign tasks and prevent bottlenecks.

Milestones and Intake Forms

Set goals or checkpoints within a project to ensure everyone knows what is expected and by when. Gather requests, feedback, and key details from clients and your team using personalized intake forms that turn submissions into tasks right within your projects.

Collaboration Tools

Teamwork offers a range of tools designed to enhance collaboration, including Proofs for managing client review and approval processes, Comments for in-context communication, and Messages for team updates and discussions. Docs and Spaces help you organize and share content across teams and with clients.

Time and Budget Management

Stay on time and under budget with Teamwork’s Time Tracking, Timesheets, Billable & Cost Rates, Budgets, Retainers, and Expenses features. These tools enable you to track and manage time, costs, and resources, ensuring that you’re accurately charging clients and maintaining profitability.

Automation and Integration

Save time and reduce manual work with Teamwork’s Templates, Automations, and Integrations features. Connect Teamwork with your favorite tools, streamline workflows, and automate repetitive tasks to boost productivity and efficiency.

Contact Black Badger Software Solutions Today

Ready to unlock the full potential of Teamwork for your business? Contact Black Badger Software Solutions, your trusted Teamwork Solutions Partner in Clearwater, FL, and the entire Tampa Bay area. Whether you need Teamwork Consulting, Implementation, Support, or Deployment services, our team of experts is here to help. Reach out to us today via phone, text, or chatbot, and let’s start transforming your business together.

Get in Touch

Call or Text: (727) 306-3201

Chatbot: Visit our website at and click on the chat icon at the bottom right corner of the page.


Black Badger Software Solutions, a Clearwater, FL-based Teamwork Solutions Partner, offers comprehensive Teamwork Consulting, Implementation, Support, and Deployment services to businesses in the Tampa Bay area. Our expert team can help you unlock the full potential of the Teamwork project management platform, ensuring that your business achieves maximum efficiency, collaboration, and growth. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you transform your business.

Maximize Your Business Efficiency with Our Wrike Services | Black Badger Software Solutions

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Choose Black Badger Software Solutions for Your Wrike Needs
  3. Wrike Consulting Services
  4. Wrike Implementation Services
  5. Wrike Support Services
  6. Wrike Deployment Services
  7. The Benefits of Wrike for Your Business
  8. Why Businesses in Clearwater, FL, and the Tampa Bay Area Trust Black Badger Software Solutions
  9. Get Started with Black Badger Software Solutions’ Wrike Services Today


Discover how our Wrike Solutions Partner services can help your organization in the Tampa Bay area streamline processes, improve collaboration, and boost productivity. Learn more about our Wrike Consulting, Wrike Implementation, Wrike Support, and Wrike Deployment services, and find out why businesses in Clearwater, FL, and the surrounding area trust Black Badger Software Solutions for their Wrike needs.

Why Choose Black Badger Software Solutions for Your Wrike Needs

At Black Badger Software Solutions, our mission is to provide businesses in the Tampa Bay area with tailored software solutions that help them achieve their goals. As a Wrike Solutions Partner, we offer a range of services designed to ensure that you get the most out of your investment in Wrike’s powerful work management platform.

Wrike Consulting Services

Our Wrike Consulting services begin with a deep dive into your business processes, workflows, and objectives. This allows us to gain a thorough understanding of your organization’s needs and identify the most effective ways to leverage Wrike’s features and capabilities to meet those needs. We then work with you to develop a customized implementation plan that aligns with your business goals and ensures a smooth transition to the Wrike platform.

Wrike Implementation Services

Proper implementation is crucial to the success of any software deployment, and Wrike is no exception. Our Wrike Implementation services include end-to-end support, from initial setup and configuration to data migration and integration with your existing systems. We also provide comprehensive training for your team, ensuring that they are fully prepared to use Wrike effectively and efficiently from day one.

Wrike Support Services

Our commitment to your success doesn’t end with implementation. As a Wrike Solutions Partner, we offer ongoing Wrike Support services designed to help you get the most out of your investment in the platform. From troubleshooting technical issues to providing guidance on best practices, our team of experts is always available to assist you with your Wrike-related needs.

Wrike Deployment Services

As your business grows and evolves, your Wrike deployment may need to be adjusted to accommodate new workflows, processes, and team structures. Our Wrike Deployment services include the necessary updates, modifications, and expansions to ensure that your Wrike environment remains optimized for your organization’s needs, both now and in the future.

The Benefits of Wrike for Your Business

Wrike is a powerful work management platform that offers a wide range of features and capabilities designed to help organizations streamline processes, improve collaboration, and boost productivity. Here are just a few of the many benefits your business can enjoy when you partner with Black Badger Software Solutions for your Wrike needs.

Enhanced Collaboration and Communication

Wrike’s platform enables team members to communicate and collaborate effectively in a centralized location. This helps to reduce miscommunication, streamline the approval process, and ensure that everyone stays on the same page throughout the project lifecycle.

Improved Task Management and Accountability

Wrike’s easy-to-use task assignment and tracking features ensure that every team member knows their responsibilities and deadlines. This leads to improved accountability and helps ensure that projects stay on track and on schedule.

Increased Visibility and Control

With Wrike, you gain a clear, real-time view of your team’s progress, project status, and resource allocation. This increased visibility allows you to make informed decisions and adjustments as needed, ensuring that your projects are completed on time and within budget.

Customizable Workflows and Processes

Wrike’s robust customization capabilities enable you to create workflows and processes that are tailored to your organization’s unique needs. This ensures that your team is working as efficiently and effectively as possible, leading to improved productivity and overall business performance.

Scalable Solutions for Long-Term Success

As your business evolves, your Wrike deployment can be easily adapted to accommodate new workflows, processes, and team structures. This ensures that your Wrike environment remains optimized for your organization’s needs, both now and in the future.

Why Businesses in Clearwater, FL, and the Tampa Bay Area Trust Black Badger Software Solutions

At Black Badger Software Solutions, we pride ourselves on our commitment to our customers and our dedication to providing the highest level of service possible. Here are just a few reasons why businesses in Clearwater, FL, and the Tampa Bay area trust us for their Wrike needs:

Expertise and Experience

Our team of Wrike experts has extensive experience working with businesses of all sizes and across a wide range of industries. We understand the unique challenges faced by organizations in the Tampa Bay area and have the skills and expertise needed to help them overcome these obstacles and achieve their goals.

Personalized, Local Support

As a Clearwater, FL-based Wrike Solutions Partner, we are proud to offer personalized, local support to our clients in the Tampa Bay area. This ensures that you always have access to the help and guidance you need when you need it, without having to rely on impersonal call centers or generic customer support lines.

A Commitment to Your Success

Our mission is to help your business succeed, and we will do everything in our power to ensure that your Wrike deployment delivers the results you need. From initial consultation to ongoing support, you can trust Black Badger Software Solutions to be there for you every step of the way.

Get Started with Black Badger Software Solutions’ Wrike Services Today

If you’re ready to unlock the full potential of Wrike for your business, Black Badger Software Solutions is here to help. Our expert team is standing by to provide you with the Wrike Consulting, Wrike Implementation, Wrike Support, and Wrike Deployment services you need to maximize your investment in this powerful platform. Contact us today by phone, text, or chatbot to learn more about our Wrike services and how we can help your business thrive.

Finding the Right Project Management Software

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction: Finding the Perfect Project Management Software Solution
  2. Reasons to Partner with Black Badger Software Solutions
  3. Affordable, Custom Software Solutions
  4. Preparing for Future Growth with Scalable Solutions
  5. Minimizing Costs and Streamlining Software Implementation
  6. Our Comprehensive Process for Software Consulting Success
  7. Flexible, Cloud-Based Software Consulting
  8. Contact Us: Your Project Management Software Consulting Experts
  9. Why Choose Black Badger Software Solutions: The Benefits
  10. Conclusion: Unlocking the Potential of Project Management Software

Introduction: Finding the Perfect Project Management Software Solution

Choosing the right project management software can be a daunting task, but it’s a crucial decision that can significantly impact the success of your business. With numerous options available, it’s essential to find a software solution that meets your unique needs and helps you streamline operations, increase efficiency, and boost productivity. Black Badger Software Solutions, a Clearwater, FL-based company, provides project management software consulting services to help businesses in the Tampa Bay area find the right software solution that aligns with their needs. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how Black Badger Software Solutions can assist you in finding, implementing, and supporting the perfect project management software solution for your business.

Reasons to Partner with Black Badger Software Solutions

At Black Badger Software Solutions, we’re dedicated to helping businesses find the ideal project management software solution to meet their unique needs. Our customer-centric approach focuses on finding the perfect software match for your business, rather than promoting specific software platforms. Our team has extensive knowledge and experience in various leading project management software tools, including, Wrike, Teamwork, ClickUp, Smartsheet, and Zoho One.

Affordable, Custom Software Solutions

At Black Badger Software Solutions, we understand that no two businesses are the same, and your project management software shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all solution. Our in-depth knowledge of the software platforms we work with allows us to create custom solutions tailored to your unique business model and processes. This approach enables you to benefit from a bespoke software solution without incurring the high costs of building a custom platform from the ground up.

Preparing for Future Growth with Scalable Solutions

At Black Badger Software Solutions, we understand that businesses evolve over time. That’s why we create scalable project management software solutions that can grow with your company. Our proactive approach to understanding your business’s present needs and future goals helps save time and money on software updates as your company expands.

Minimizing Costs and Streamlining Software Implementation

Our software consulting experts ensure that you’re using the right project management tools for your business. By choosing the most suitable software, you can reduce costs in the long run and focus on growing your business. Our team takes the guesswork out of software implementation, allowing you to streamline operations and maximize efficiency.

Our Comprehensive Process for Software Consulting Success

At Black Badger Software Solutions, our process sets us apart from other software consulting companies. We take a comprehensive, four-step approach to ensure successful software implementation and support:

  1. Deep Dive: We begin by gaining an intimate understanding of your business, its current operations, and future goals. We use data extraction and process documentation to identify your company’s unique requirements and objectives, allowing us to create a customized plan tailored to your needs.
  2. Software Implementation Plan: Based on the information gathered in step one, we build a comprehensive software implementation plan. This plan outlines the software platforms that will meet your specific needs, the implementation timeline, and associated costs. By knowing the full plan upfront, you can eliminate double-work and unexpected expenses in the future.
  3. Implementation and Training: Unlike other software consulting companies, we provide training and implementation at the same time. Our experts guide you through the implementation process and ensure that your team members are proficient in using the new project management software. Our personalized training ensures that your team members can confidently use the software to streamline operations and boost productivity.
  4. Personalized Support: Our commitment to your success doesn’t end with the implementation of your new project management software. We provide ongoing support to ensure that your software continues to meet your evolving business needs. Our personalized service includes help desk support, onboarding new users, and training videos to help you get the most out of your software investment. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional service to help you achieve your business goals.

Flexible, Cloud-Based Software Consulting

Black Badger Software Solutions specializes in cloud-based software consulting, providing businesses with increased flexibility and mobility. Our cloud-based software solutions allow your team members to access project management tools from any device with internet access, enabling you to work from anywhere, anytime. We help businesses leverage the benefits of cloud-based software for increased efficiency and productivity.

Contact Us: Your Project Management Software Consulting Experts

Black Badger Software Solutions is the premier project management software consulting company in the Tampa Bay area. Our team of experts is dedicated to finding the perfect project management software solution to meet your business needs. We offer customized software implementation and ongoing support to ensure your software continues to meet your evolving needs.

Contact us today over the phone, text, or chatbot to schedule a free 30-minute consultation with one of our U.S.-based experts. Let us help you unlock the full potential of project management software for your business.

Why Choose Black Badger Software Solutions: The Benefits

Project management software has become an essential tool for businesses across various industries. However, with the numerous options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right software for your business. That’s where Black Badger Software Solutions comes in. As a project management software consulting company, we help businesses find the ideal software solution that aligns with their unique needs.

Conclusion: Unlocking the Potential of Project Management Software

Project management software has become an essential tool for businesses of all sizes and industries. At Black Badger Software Solutions, we specialize in finding the right project management software solution to meet your unique business needs. We provide customized software implementation and ongoing support to ensure that your investment continues to deliver value and meet your evolving needs. By partnering with Black Badger Software Solutions, you can unlock the full potential of project management software to streamline operations, increase efficiency, and boost productivity. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and start your journey towards a more efficient and successful business.

Unlock the Potential of with Black Badger Software Solutions: Tampa Bay’s Premier Partner

Table of Contents

    1. Introduction
    2. Expert Consulting Services
    3. Efficient Implementation
    4. Reliable Support
    5. Seamless Integrations
    6. Streamlining Processes with Automation
    7. Local Service and Personalized Solutions
    8. Conclusion

man standing in front of people sitting beside table with laptop computers


Black Badger Software Solutions, based in Clearwater, FL, is the premier Partner for businesses in the Tampa Bay area. Our expert team offers comprehensive services, including consulting, implementation, and support. We work closely with clients to tailor monday to their unique needs, ensuring maximum efficiency and productivity.

While we do offer services nationwide, the Tampa Bay area is our home. We always offer services virtually, but for those businesses located in the area can also benefit from our on-site consulting, implementation, and support services. On-site services can be provided from St Petersburg through Pinellas Park, Largo, Safety Harbor, Dunedin, Palm Harbor and up to Tarpon Springs. We stretch this East through Oldsmar, Town ‘N Country, West Chase, and of course, the entire city of Tampa. certified partner

1. Expert Consulting Services

Our consulting services help you determine whether is the right fit for your business and how to leverage its features for your specific needs. We analyze your business processes, objectives, and future plans, recommending the most effective solutions.

Understanding Your Business Needs

We thoroughly analyze your business operations and requirements to provide the most effective and customized solutions. We work with you to develop a clear understanding of your goals and challenges and recommend the best features, workflows, and integrations for your unique situation.

Comparing to Alternatives

We compare with alternative solutions, such as Asana and Trello, to help you make an informed decision. We help you weigh the pros and cons of each option, ensuring that you can confidently choose the best software for your business.

Top View Photo Of People Near Wooden Table

2. Efficient Implementation

Our team guides you through every step of the implementation process, from setting up your account to customizing the platform to suit your business’s specific needs.

Setting Up Your Account

We assist you in setting up your account, ensuring that it is configured correctly and optimized for your business. We walk you through creating your account, adding team members, and setting up user permissions and roles to match your organizational structure.

Customizing for Your Business

We work closely with you to customize monday to fit your unique business requirements. We help you create custom boards, columns, and workflows that align with your processes and goals. Our team ensures that monday is tailored to your specific needs, enabling your team to work more efficiently and effectively.

Data Migration

Black Badger Software Solutions assists with data migration from your existing software systems. We ensure a smooth and seamless transition, minimizing any disruptions to your business operations during the migration process.

Woman Sitting Beside Table While Using Ipad


3. Reliable Support

As a Partner, we provide ongoing support to our clients, ensuring that they can fully harness the power of the platform. Our support services include help desk solutions, onboarding and training, and platform updates.

Help Desk Solutions

Our dedicated help desk team is available to address any issues or concerns you may have. We offer personalized support, ensuring that you always have a knowledgeable expert to guide you through any challenges you may encounter while using the platform.

Onboarding and Training

Black Badger Software Solutions offers comprehensive onboarding and training services to help your team get up to speed. We provide hands-on training, video tutorials, and other resources to ensure that your team is fully equipped to maximize the benefits of for your business.

Platform Updates

Our team keeps you informed about the latest updates and features, ensuring that you can take full advantage of the platform’s evolving capabilities. We provide guidance on how to implement new features in your existing workflows, ensuring that your team stays up to date with the latest innovations. Platform

4. Seamless Integrations

Black Badger Software Solutions helps you integrate with your existing software systems, enabling you to streamline your business processes and improve overall efficiency. We assist with integrating with popular tools like Salesforce, Google Workspace, and more, ensuring that your team can access all the information they need in one centralized platform.

5. Streamlining Processes with Automation

Our team helps you harness the power of monday’s automation features to streamline your workflows and reduce manual tasks. We guide you through setting up custom automations that simplify repetitive processes, freeing up your team to focus on more important tasks and driving productivity.

6. Local Service and Personalized Solutions

As a Partner based in Clearwater, FL, and serving the entire Tampa Bay area, Black Badger Software Solutions is uniquely positioned to provide local expertise and personalized service. Our team understands the needs of businesses in the region and is committed to delivering tailored solutions that drive success for our clients.

Scalable Solutions for Future Growth

We believe in creating scalable solutions that grow with your business. We take the time to understand your current needs and future goals, ensuring that the platform can adapt to your evolving requirements as your business expands.

Maximizing ROI

By partnering with Black Badger Software Solutions for your implementation and support, you’ll be well-positioned to boost your business efficiency and achieve a strong return on investment. Our expert team will help you harness the full power of to streamline your processes, increase productivity, and drive growth for your business.

person using laptop


Black Badger Software Solutions is the go-to Partner for businesses in the Tampa Bay area. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you unlock the full potential of monday through expert consulting, seamless implementation, and ongoing support. We work closely with you to understand your unique business needs and deliver personalized, scalable solutions that drive success.

Whether you’re just starting or looking to optimize your existing setup, Black Badger Software Solutions is here to help. Reach out to us today via phone, text, or chatbot to learn more about our services and how we can help your business thrive. As A Work OS As A Work OS

It’s no secret that the Covid-19 pandemic completely changed, not just how people work, but where they work too.

According to a US census, the amount of people working from home tripled over the years between 2019 and 2021. These days, the percentage of US workers working from the comfort of home offices and coffee shops sits at around 26%, and that figure is only set to grow over the next few years.

With more remote teams dotted across the region, country and even the world, how do you manage people and projects?

Enter: Work OS.

Work OS (Work Operating System) is essentially a cloud-based digital workplace and central hub that plays host to all of your team’s projects, processes and communication.

It enables teams to plan and manage projects, track processes and ultimately keep everyone in the loop, no matter where they are on the globe.

One of the best and most popular Work OS software on the market is It’s used as a CRM by teams to manage projects and workflows. In fact, some of the most well-loved brands use Adidas, Samsung and Uber to name just a few!

In this article, we’ll reveal some of the best features and benefits of, and how it could be a good tool to help you manage your systems and processes.

Customizable Workflow caters for many teams and has customizable templates for the sector you’re in, like:

  • Sales and CRM
  • Marketing
  • IT
  • Product development
  • Operations
  • PMO
  • HR

The list goes on! What we like is that no matter what industry you’re in, there are lots of different templates to choose from to make sure your workflow is personalized and appropriate for your team and the work that you do.

Let’s take sales as an example.

You have access to a selection of templates, including:

  • Basic CRM
  • Marketing activities
  • Real estate CRM
  • Customer projects
  • Contacts
  • Supporting sales materials
  • Customer onboarding

You can change the columns, views, automations and integrations to suit your needs.

For those teams that work off of multiple spreadsheets, these templates are a great alternative.

Real-Time Collaboration

We’ve all been there. A meeting that uncovers something that could have been sent in email. To combat the challenges of relaying messages to a remote team, allows you to make comments and messages on the boards. This way, everyone gets real-time updates on the project – removing the need for unnecessary meetings!

Project Scheduling

Planning projects used to be a pretty mundane task, way back when project managers took to the likes of Excel to take care of the scheduling.

But, thanks to Work OS like, there’s a more efficient and smarter way to get all of your projects mapped out.

Board Views.’s Board Views allow you to see your project from all angles:

  • Gantt charts – specific data can be turned into a Gantt chart
  • Workload – this helps you visualize the distribution of work by being able to oversee who’s doing what at different stages of the project
  • Timeline – an overview of your project dates and timeline
  • Calendar – tasks, activities and deadlines can be stored in a calendar

It combines AI and data that’s inputted into the collaboration and planning tools so you can clearly oversee your project’s schedule and ensure that everything is running on time.

Budget Management

Being able to have an overview of your project outgoings is a really handy feature of The Numbers Column lets you track all of the money you’re spending on the project so that you can regularly and easily check if you’re going in the right direction with your budgets.

Resource Management Tools

What do you need to make sure your project runs smoothly? People, money, time?

Without resource management tools, it’s quite difficult to make sure resources are being used efficiently and effectively.’s Workload View can help you see who’s working on what and whether they’re under or over capacity. This will allow you to delegate tasks to the right people whilst avoiding staff burnout.

Time Tracking

We know all too well how important it is to complete projects on time. The time tracking feature on is an excellent tool for you and your team to monitor how and where they’re spending their time, so that schedules and timings can be adapted where needed. It also gives you an overview of productivity and who you can distribute tasks to.

Built-In Reporting

Not one of the most exciting features, but an important one nonetheless. offers built in reporting so that you can get regular insights on how your project is going. Seeing the stats and figures of your project is a great way to monitor things like if you’re going to deliver it on time or if it’s going to come in within budget.


Third-Party Integrations

How many different tools and platforms does your team use everyday? We’re guessing a lot.

Trello, Gmail, Slack, LinkedIn…

The beauty of is that it allows third-party integrations within one board, so you can keep all of your favorite tools and integrations in one place!

Mobile App

Around 64% of US workers use their mobile devices to work, so having a Work OS with a mobile app is super handy.

The app is available on Apple App Store and Google Play Store and is a fantastic way to see your boards and communicate with your team when you’re on the go. became a Work OS back in 2020 but since then has been constantly making aggressive market expansion of new products and features to continue helping teams across the world stay connected and well-versed with their projects.

How We Can Black Badger Help You With and Work OS?

If you like the idea of getting on board with but fear that you don’t have the time or resources to get the most out of its features and your investment, why not consider a MSaaS (Managed Software as a Service), like Black Badger?

We are a team of software experts and a partner, who can make sure that your Work OS is the right fit for you and your business, so you don’t miss out on potential revenue or waste valuable resources.

Essentially, we’re on hand to manage all of your cloud-based software, so you can take the backseat and focus on optimizing uptime, performance, maintenance and scalability across all departments at just a fraction of the cost.

Did we mention our services are unlimited?

We know the landscape is changing, and the traditional Monday – Friday, 9-5 schedule is slowly fading out. That’s why we offer unlimited service – depending on the plan you choose, you could have access to round the clock support!

Check out our Unlimited MSaaS Plans and how we can help your business get the most out of your software investment.

The Six-Figure Costs Savings from Partnering with an MSP

The Value of an MSP

Recent research indicates that downtime costs have skyrocketed to over $300,000 per hour for large enterprises. In some industries like automotive, the cost of downtime reaches $22,000 per minute. These costs continue to increase as more businesses use technology to drive business and manage user information. The amount of money lost during downtime depends on your business, but undoubtedly network downtime costs money regardless of your organization’s size.

The reasons behind unplanned downtime also depend on the organization. Some organizations are understaffed. Others do not have the right infrastructure in place to support bandwidth and failover, and others might not have the experience to deal with the warning signs associated with software bottlenecks. Regardless of the reason, when application infrastructure fails it causes a domino effect that gradually impacts revenue down to every department. Much of this struggle can be remediated with migration to the cloud and partnering with a software provisioning provider who knows what tools keep organizations performing in a way that positively impacts revenue.

Downtime isn’t the only concern plaguing businesses.

Strategic scalability takes careful consideration to allow for business growth without wasting IT budget dollars. Monitoring applications is necessary for compliance, uptime, and 24/7 security. Having the capital to support new infrastructure is difficult for many businesses, and the salary costs associated with just a small on-site staff can cost seven figures yearly. Even with a budget to support one on-site developer, you need a partner who can create the right strategy to deploy productivity software and infrastructure that allows your organization to scale, stay productive, and grow revenue.
It’s for these issues and more that organizations turn to managed service providers for help. An MSP that supports all department applications and the infrastructure that hosts them will be more fully equipped to provision scalable solutions at a fraction of the cost. Instead of hiring individuals with high salaries to support a single application, organizations can optimize their budgets by partnering with a single software-focused MSP that will deploy critical corporate applications and support them at a bundled rate that cuts salary costs.

The Cost of Managing Critical Application Infrastructure

For organizations with on-premises infrastructure, managing a budget with necessary productivity software and staff is a balancing act. Tipping the scales in the wrong direction could lead to performance issues, downtime, and reduction in revenue due to limitations in technology. Insufficient infrastructure becomes a productivity bottleneck, and it can impact every department. With the right managed services provider, implementation of software such as CRMs, project management software, support applications, and organization software is completely maintained and provisioned without the need for a full on-site staff. Since MSPs that support software do so in the cloud, your organization gets better uptime, performance, maintenance, and scalability across all departments at a fraction of the cost.

Much of these expenses can be migrated to the cloud where organizations pay a fraction of the cost for critical services. With an MSP that supports your corporate applications, the migration and strategy can be planned to directly address specific organization workflows and productivity. You can still keep email and servers in-house, but cut costs tremendously by leveraging cloud services for common corporate software.

These software costs are for a small 25-user business with few resources and don’t include the staff necessary to maintain it. One could hire individuals to support each application, however this can put a burden on your IT budget. Salaries for software developers and IT professionals can vary depending on skills, experience and location. As an example, a mid-level staff member has an estimated cost for an organization of anywhere from $65,000 to $130,000 per year with a median of $90,126. Add on taxes and we will round this to $100,000 per year.

The numbers in the previous table indicate that a small office that requires one mid-level support employee could pay almost $260,000 per year to manage IT costs, that being salary plus software itself. Many organizations may need more support staff for infrastructure. Often organizations look for ways to cut corners, however band aid solutions and cutting corners can lead to greater costs in downtime and performance bottlenecks. This can contribute to many small to midsize businesses struggling with managing infrastructure and continually dealing with IT related setbacks.

Not only is managing software difficult, most enterprise software solutions have numerous advanced features that only an expert knows how to manage. Having an expert on-staff is costly, so organizations look to their current developers for help. In many cases, these developers do not have the expertise to configure cloud applications, and organizations are left with expensive software but using only 10-20% of its features.

Case Study

  • Let’s take an example of employing a Database Admin (DBA). According to Glassdoor, a DBA makes an average salary of $70,000 per year. An organization can leverage a software-focused MSP that will manage integration, configuration, and management for a fraction of the cost. In addition to managing your databases, your organization can also get value out of the integration and configuration of numerous other applications packaged together within the MSP’s fees. Instead of spending $70,00 every year for a single professional, the organization saves money across dozens of applications necessary for employee productivity and support.
  • Another example can be used for your project management software. You could hire a project manager to set up the numerous applications needed for productivity, but you may spend anywhere from $52,000 to $130,000 on employee costs alone. It can become expensive for one person to support applications such as Jira, Microsoft Dynamics 365, ClickUp, Wrike, Basecamp, Podio, and potentially many others. Alternatively, a software- focused MSP can provision and deploy these applications in the cloud, integrate them with your own workflows and maintain them monthly at a fraction of the cost of a full-time employee.

Combine it all together for a larger business, it’s estimated that a medium to large business could spend around $700,000 per year to manage infrastructure. Using an MSP has the potential of saving over $500,000 a year, ultimately reducing expenditure down to a fraction of what it would take to host and manage it yourself.

Typical In-house IT Costs Based on Organization Size

*Based on numerous studies, the amount of required IT employees to staff ratio ranges anywhere from 1:25 to 1:150. Many factors can play into this, including the nature of the business, the systems in play, and whether or not the internal IT staff handle 3rd-party software or outsource this work while they strictly handle on-premise software and servers. When it comes to managing all the different software applications a business could use, we are arbitrarily calling the ideal ratio 1:50. These rates scale proportionally to the number of IT staff and their need to support managers and higher paid IT executives. References:;;;;;

Challenges Faced by Modern Business

Most small businesses struggle to keep up with technology and manage existing infrastructure.

The biggest challenges most businesses have with IT are:

Staying ahead with new technologies. Staying behind puts you at a disadvantage and legacy systems are often inadequate, but continually upgrading is also expensive.

Budget constraints limit infrastructure upgrades, but it can also inhibit organization growth.

Enhancing security along with upgrading infrastructure is something that requires experts that aren’t on staff.

How Web-Based Productivity Tools Help Your Business

Despite all the technological advances of the 21st century, there are still many businesses operating on shared Excel documents, whiteboard, post-it notes, and a multitude of different email addresses.

And while maybe that’s been “working” for a while, you probably spend way too much time working on these boards and have very little to no actual functionality to MAKE you money. Neither your Excel document nor your post-it notes can alert you when deadlines are approaching, send emails automatically to customers, or alert other team members to new projects. The good news is that many modern web-based systems can help you with this!

Which Business Platform is Right for You?

Maybe you have heard of some of these programs:

At BlackBadger, these tools (as well as others) have proven to be highly useful and functional – and they have helped us create exponential growth for our clients. Each has strengths and weaknesses, and your business model and unique needs will help determine which is right for you.

Whether you are a general contractor, independent realtor, or small business owner, using a comprehensive CRM can help your business process through the intelligent use of automation and integrations, allowing you to run your business from a single platform.

How Much Do Business Platforms Cost?

Most of these web-based programs range in price from $10 – $25 per user each month. So, while a team of 20 employees could cost you between $200 – $500 a month, these powerful tools can replace the need for secretaries or additional employees to track and run workflows.
I have routinely found that these systems can replace up to four or even five systems a business has in place, thereby saving money and allowing you to operate from a single platform. Most of these platforms also support integration with your current (and necessary) systems to avoid data loss and assist with implementation.

The Future of Business Automation is Here!

The days of using relying on emails and shared Excel documents are over! Make way for the new wave of business tools to help get the most out of your business.

At Black Badger Software Solutions, we can help get you and your whole team fully operational on any one of these above programs (and a large number of others that aren’t listed). Let us know if you would like an evaluation of your current workflows to help you evaluate the most effective program for your business model.


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