In today’s fast-paced business world, Monday stands out as a powerful project management platform designed to simplify workflows, boost productivity, and enhance team collaboration. At the heart of its versatility is the Formula Column, a feature that enables businesses to automate calculations, streamline data processing, and make better decisions—saving time and reducing errors.
Simplifying Workflows with the Formula Column
The Formula Column allows users to create everything from basic calculations to complex data manipulations. By harnessing this feature, businesses can:
Automate repetitive tasks, freeing teams to focus on strategic priorities.
Build customized dashboards for real-time insights into project performance.
Turn raw data into actionable insights, driving smarter decisions and fostering continuous improvement.
This level of customization adapts to any business need, whether it’s calculating timelines, forecasting budgets, or tracking team performance.
Visualizing Data for Clarity and Impact
Data visualization is essential for effective project management. Monday offers tools to create interactive dashboards, charts, and graphs, making it easier to identify trends, monitor progress, and address issues proactively.
The Formula Column takes data visualization a step further by transforming raw numbers into dynamic visuals that update in real time. This helps teams:
Make informed, timely decisions in fast-paced environments.
Communicate complex information clearly to stakeholders.
Customize dashboards to align with business priorities and KPIs.
By leveraging these visual tools, organizations can foster collaboration, align teams, and use data as a competitive advantage.
Tips to Maximize the Formula Column’s Potential
To fully unlock the capabilities of the Formula Column, follow these strategies:
Define Clear Goals – Outline the specific objectives your formulas should achieve.
Start Simple – Begin with basic calculations before exploring advanced features.
Use Documented Functions – Leverage built-in functions for common tasks.
Experiment with Undocumented Functions – For advanced users, these can unlock new possibilities (with proper testing).
Collaborate – Involve your team to create well-rounded and effective solutions.
Review and Refine – Regularly update formulas to align with evolving business needs.
Invest in Training – Equip your team with the knowledge to use Monday effectively.
By following these steps, businesses can turn the Formula Column into a valuable tool for improving efficiency and achieving strategic goals.
Exploring Undocumented Functions: Advanced Opportunities
For experienced users, undocumented functions offer a chance to push the boundaries of Monday’s capabilities. While these advanced features require careful testing, they can address unique challenges and unlock new levels of automation. Sharing discoveries within the Monday community can further enhance innovation and collaboration across users.
Why Monday Matters
The Formula Column is more than just a calculation tool—it’s a gateway to greater efficiency, innovation, and insight. Whether you’re managing projects, optimizing workflows, or analyzing performance, Monday empowers teams to navigate complex challenges with ease.
By embracing its full potential, organizations can drive better outcomes, foster collaboration, and stay ahead in today’s data-driven world. Whether you’re a CEO, manager, or team leader, Monday equips you to work smarter, not harder.
Column names should be wrapped in braces: SUM({apples},{oranges})
Formulas may include parentheses () to change the order of operations: ({Apples} + {Oranges}) / {Guests}
Check, Country, Creation Log, Date, Dependency, Dropdown, Email, Formula, Hour, Item ID, Last Updated, Link to Item, Long Text, Numbers, Person, Phone, Rating, Status, Text, Timeline, Time Tracking, Vote, World Clock
Subitem Names and the Count of Subitems are also supported.
Autonumber, Color Picker, Files, Link, Location, Mirror, Progress Tracking, Tags, Week, World Clock
Text functions
Function: CONCATENATEDescription: This operator concatenate text values into a single text valueExample: CONCATENATE(“I”,”love”,”Monday”) => IloveMonday
Function: LEFTDescription: Extracts a given number of characters from the left side.Example: LEFT(“Monday“, 3) => mon
Function: LENDescription: Returns the amount of characters of a given text string.Example: LEN(“hello”) => 5
Function: LOWERDescription: Converts a specified string to lowercaseExample: LOWER(“Some STRING”) => “some string”
Function: REPLACEDescription: Replaces a part of a string with the new string.Example: REPLACE(“Goat”,1, 2,”Fl”) => “Flat”
Function: REPTDescription: Repeats a string a given number of times.Example: REPT(“monday”,3) =>mondaymondaymonday
Function: RIGHTDescription: Extracts a number of characters from the right side of a given text string.Example: RIGHT(“monday”, 3) => day
Function: SEARCHDescription: Searches a string within another stringExample: IF(SEARCH(“love”, “I love monday”, 1) > 0, “Exist”, “Not”) => “exist”
Function: SUBSTITUTEDescription: Replace text in a given text string by matching.Example: SUBSTITUTE(“goodmorning”, “morning”, “night”) => goodnight
Function: TEXTDescription: Formats the given value based on the given text formatExample: TEXT(8500.6,”$#,##0.00″) => $8,500.60
Function: TRIMDescription: Removes all spaces from a string except for single spaces between words.Example: TRIM(” I love MDY “) => “I love MDY”
Function: UPPERDescription: Convert a specified string to uppercaseExample: UPPER(“Monday”) => Monday
Logical functions
Function: ANDDescription: Checks if all the given logical conditions are true and if so returns trueExample: AND(3>1, 4>2) => True
Function: EXACTDescription: Compares two values, returns true if they are the same and false if they are different.Example: EXACT({Status},{Status})) =>TRUE
Function: IFDescription: Checks if a condition is met. If so, returns the first value, otherwise returns the otherExample: IF({some columns}>100, “big deal”,”small deal”)
Function: ORDescription: Returns true if any one of the argument is trueExample: OR(3 >10, 4>2) => True
Function: XORDescription: Returns a logical exclusive Or of all the argumentsExample: XOR(3>0, 2>9) => True
Function: SWITCHDescription: Checks if a condition on a specific value is met, if so, returns the result of that value, o/w returns the default result (if exists). The pattern is: SWITCH({Column}, “val1”, “result1”, [“val2”, “result2”], …, [“default”])Example: SWITCH({Priority}, “High”, 3, “Medium”, 2, “Low”, 1, 0) => 2 (in case priority is “Medium”)
Numeric functions
Function: ABSDescription: Returns the absolute value of a given numberExample: ABS(-1) = 1
Function: AVERAGEDescription: Returns the average of the given numbersExample: AVERAGE(1,2,3) => 2
Function: DIVIDEDescription: One number divided by anotherExample: DIVIDE(10,5) => 2
Function: COUNTDescription: Counts the number of numerical items.Example: COUNT(1, 2, “a”) => 2
Function: LOGDescription: Gets the logarithm of a numberExample: LOG (16,2) => 4
Function: MAXDescription: Returns the largest value from a set of dataExample: MAX(1,3,5,9) => 9
Function: MINDescription: Returns the smallest value from a set of dataExample: MIN(1,3,5,9) => 1
Function: MINUSDescription: Difference of two numbersExample:MINUS(5,3) => 2
Function: MULTIPLYDescription: Product of two numbersExample:MULTIPLY(5,2) => 10
Function: MODDescription: Returns the remainder of the division of the given number in the divisorExample:MOD(10,3) => 1
Function: ROUNDDescription: Rounds a number to a specific number of digitsExample: ROUND(1.123456, 2) => 1.12
Function: ROUNDUPDescription: Always rounds a number upExample: ROUNDUP(1.1,0) => 2
Function: ROUNDDOWNDescription: Always rounds a number downExample: ROUNDDOWN(1.1,0) => 1
Function: SQRTDescription: Positive square root of a positive numberExample:SQRT(9) => 3
Function: SUMDescription: Sums up all the given numbersExample: SUM(2,3,8) => 13
Function: POWERDescription: A number raised to a powerExample: POWER(2,3) => 8
Date and time functions
Note: Formula functions for date and time do not take your location into account for format. Time and timezone will reflect your location, though output will be formatted in the European manner (i.e. 24 hour clock). Date input will be formatted in the European manner (i.e. May 12th as 12/5), while date output varies. You can use the FORMAT_DATE() function to format your date and time output in a way that is most familiar and helpful to your team
Function: ADD_DAYSDescription: Adds days to the given date. Returns the new date. Examples: ADD_DAYS(“2019-01-20”, 5)ADD_DAYS(TODAY(), 5)FORMAT_DATE(ADD_DAYS(“2019-01-20”, 5) => “2019-01-25
Function: DATEDescription: Returns the value for the given parametersExample: DATE(2018,5,30) => Wed May 30 2018
Function: DAYDescription: Returns the day of the month of a given date.Example: DAY({created at}) => 31
Function: DAYSDescription: Returns the number of days between the two datesExample:DAYS({end date column name}, {start date column name}) => diff between dates in days
Function: FORMAT_DATEDescription: Returns a formatted dateExamples: FORMAT_DATE(TODAY()) => “Feb 16, 2020” (using default format)FORMAT_DATE(TODAY(), “YYYY-MM-DD”) => “2020-02-16″FORMAT_DATE(TODAY(), “dddd, MMMM Do YYYY”) => Sunday, February 16th 2020
Function: HOURDescription: Returns the hour as a number from 0 (12:00 A.M.) to 23 (11:00 P.M.).Example: HOUR(NOW()) => 23 (in case it’s 23:00 – 23:59 o’clock now)
Function: HOURS_DIFFDescription: Returns the difference between two hours columnsExample: HOURS_DIFF(“23:00”, “20:00”) => 03:00
Function: WORKDAYSDescription: Returns the number of working days between the two datesExample: WORKDAYS({TO_DATE}, {FROM_DATE}) => working days between dates in days
Function: WORKDAYDescription: Adds workdays to the given date. Returns the new date.Example: WORKDAY({Date column}, 20) => will add 20 workdays to the new date
Function: MINUTEDescription: Returns the minute as a number from 0 to 59.Example: MINUTE(NOW()) => 10 (in case it’s 23:10 now)
Function: MONTHDescription: Returns the month of a given date.Example: MONTH({created at}) => 7
Function: SECONDDescription: Returns the second as a number from 0 to 59.Example: SECOND(NOW()) => 1 (in case it’s 23:00:01 now)
Function: SUBTRACT_DAYSDescription: Subtract days from the given date. Returns the new date. Examples: SUBTRACT_DAYS(“2019-01-20”, 5)SUBTRACT_DAYS(TODAY(), 5)FORMAT_DATE(SUBTRACT_DAYS(“2019-01-20”, 5) => “2019-01-15
Function: TODAYDescription: Gets the current dateExample: TODAY() =>05.07.2018
Function: WEEKNUMDescription: Returns the yearly week number of a given date.Example: WEEKNUM({created at}) => 42
Function: ISOWEEKNUMDescription: Returns the yearly week number of a given date according to ISO standards.Example: WEEKNUM({created at}) => 42
Function: YEARDescription: Returns the year of a given date.Example: YEAR({created at}) => 2018
Function: PIDescription: PI value (3.14159)Example: PI() => 3.14159
Function: TRUEDescription: Logical true valueExample: IF(3>5 = TRUE, “a”,”b”) => “b”
Function: FALSEDescription: Logical false valueExample: IF(3>5 = “FALSE”, “a”, “b”)=> “a”